Thursday, February 21, 2008

Had to turn off my wireless network

Had to turn off my wireless network, heavy data traffic late at nite from another source forced me to go to a wire only network.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The problem is not guns

Having been young, once in my life I can say beyond question that Music/music video and computer games are a top influence to a young person.
Combine that with a trend to remove God, Country and Family from schools and you have a bad enviro for young people.

The "Gangsta Rap, Cop killin, and Satin Worship" music we have today
sets the stage for what is happening.

When you glorify criminal behavior in Movies and Music, a tree surgeon can understand what the effect on society will be.

I may also add it is because of this, that it is so important for good citizens to be able to have personal protection
along with a host of other reasons.
Of course the tidal wave of drugs from Mexico and criminals from every nation on the planet does not help any. If you have lived in a full sized city in one of the more international states and regardless of if gun ownership is legal or not you know you need a gun in your home to protect life.
God Bless and good Luck to all.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Orleans arrest

Some say China knows everything about our most advanced long range bombers now.

Friday, February 08, 2008

My first and last rumor

I have heard strong rumors that 2 or 3 former nations in the E.U. will have a total Collapse in 12 to 18 months.
The cause is no jobs and industry, astronomical taxes, and socialized health care. I can not say for sure it is true, but I hope that many will look into it.
Maybe more later