Monday, September 29, 2008

Commie's take "In God We Trust" from US Motto

Among the references to God or American's religious history that are omitted is the nation's motto, "In God We Trust,"
"Our concern is not just with the Capitol Visitor Center, but with [an] increasing pattern of attempts to remove references to our religious heritage from our nation's capital," said Forbes. "The Capitol Visitor Center is just one example of efforts to censor God, faith, and religion from our historical buildings, documents, and ceremonies."

Anti Reagan Commie now runs U.N.

The new president of the sixty-third UN General Assembly is Miguel d´Escoto Brockmann, the foreign minister of Nicaragua for the Communist Sandinistas during the 1980s.Now this renegade has been given a huge pulpit on the world stage to preach his Marxist dogma under the guise of liberation theology.

Friday, September 26, 2008

2,300 earmarks included in Congress' spending bill

By Robert Pear
September 26, 2008
WASHINGTON – As Congress tried to cobble together a plan to spend huge sums on a financial bailout, lawmakers also moved yesterday toward final approval of an omnibus spending bill with more than 2,300 pet projects, including a $2 million study of animal hibernation.
Many lawmakers had promised to go on a diet, but their appetite for the pet projects, known as earmarks, has returned as Congress finishes its work for the year and Election Day looms less than six weeks away.
Taxpayers for Common Sense, a budget watchdog group, calculates that earmarks account for $6.6 billion of the omnibus bill's cost, which totals more than $630 billion.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

2012 Carbon Credit BAILOUT ?

USA TODAY - A coalition of 10 northeastern states conducts the nations first Carbon Auction today, the start of a 10 year effort to curb global warming.
Does your home have a woodstove, fireplace, or charcoal barbeque. Please contact your local investment brocker for a $1000.00 Carbon Credit. Because if the goverenment sees smoke they will check your Carbon Credit.