Thursday, October 07, 2010

New Florida Septic Tank Law bad as Washinton D.C.

One of the few bills Obama , Pelowski, and Reid did not pass.
The flip flopping King Charlie Chris, the only man alive to flip flop more, than John Kerry

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Criminally Obama, Pelowski and Reid may spit on Constitution with self made Constitutional Crisis

Click link above or listen to 03/11 and 03/12 Audio

A Government that does not apply The Rule of Law to itself, is a Lawless Government.
We can not let this stand. Law passed this way can become a gate buster that shoves aside the Constitution and lets in a tide of Global Communism.
Pray, that Fox, ABC, CBS , NBC and others cover this as it should be covered, if not not then the United States will cease to exist.