Sunday, August 28, 2011

Al Gore, Global Warming skeptics and Rick Perry are Racists

Gore also took shots at Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has lambasted climate change alarmists on the presidential campaign trail, and other politicians who dare to question the veracity of global warming science.

OWEbama takes charge at hurricane command center

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Real Truth in the MidEast

For Progressives who do not know the difference.
President Reagan gave guns that would end up fighting Communists
OWEbama is giving guns that will end up fighting Americans and Jews.
I leave it to you as to why Progressives want to take guns from Americans.
The United Nations and George Soros want a World Goverenment to take everyone's guns, who knows as secret as OWEbama is, he may have signed us on with the U.N.
I wonder what two nations would the United Nations want to disarm first ?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Did George Soros pay for sex ?

Did George Soros Slap and Choke Girlfriend at the Hamptons ?

Ferreyr claims in the lawsuit that Soros slapped her and tried to choke her while the couple were in bed discussing the apartment.

Ferreyr is studying economics and philosophy at Columbia University. The couple met in 2006 in the Hamptons, and she claims that twice during their five-year relationship he said he would buy her a New York apartment.

George Soros is worth $14.5 billion, and George Soros News Groups have stated many times " We own the Democrat Party "

Thursday, August 04, 2011

OWEbama and Progressives are bringing down the world.

Great 9 days for George Sorros , more mountains of more money.
George Sorros is the Undisputed King of the Progressives .
I have some hope for the Democrats and we can have a GOOD two party system again, when the Democrats vote the Progressives out of office. By their very actions and propaganda they are HARD core Socialists . On more occasions than I would like to admit their actions are Communists .
Please, the current National Democrat leadership are not even close to Democrats of my youth.
George Sorros , I suspect is the cause for much of it.

Obama admin adds 608 regulations -- just in July!

Analysis: OWEbama, Bernanke out of money to boost jobs, growth