Saturday, October 29, 2011

Have to cut posts, on my blog back to 1 or 2, every month or two

Been helping my Dad, now I have to go home. No job, no money, No TV, no internet, only a radio. Internet access will be back to around 2-3 times a month. Must focus on job only. Will be 60 next week never had any form of government aid and always left it for those who really needed it. Would like to die never having Govmnt. aid, but if I can't find a job in a few months, I might have to. From what I've heard it's next to impossible to get anyway. If I find a job a new employer will not like heat from my blog, unfortunately some know who I'am . I truly wish to say God Bless to all and keep fighting for truth and The American way. 
Will be listening on the radio.

Without Truth

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lindsey Graham says GOP opposed Libya mission because Obama was president
I disagree Sen. Graham at the time, current Defense Secretary Robert Gates was very upset about being short on boots and strongly stated it was not a national security issue. Most Republicans respected Defence Secretary Robert Gates judgement and were opposed. As a republican senator why are you often so anti republican ? Also just before leaving OWEbama DefSec Robert Gates warned us that China is now very advanced and he felt the National debt is the number one National Security Issue.

Friday, October 14, 2011

OWEbama's Red October Revolution Marches On .
Progressives claim " It's for the children and the Enviro "
Great way to mark the anniversary of Communism. (A old Progressive Tradition)

Parents, please keep your children at home and away from anyone who supports OWEbama . What kind of a President would send children into harms way like this, if any of those kids die, OWEbama the blood will be on your soul, not the other progressives or the police. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd you have the sorrow and misery of millions on your souls, I can remember reading on the internet when the banks were raising hell, because you were forcing them to make unqualified home loans. Hell you two almost brought down the world and yet it still might happen. You two did more damage to the free world than Commies and Islamo Extremists , what a feat to be proud of and live with the rest of your life. I guess the bank fees are to pay for your historical mess and big interest on OWEbama's deal for Buffett. Why are we blessed with such leadership ? It's because at every stage along the way, and at every level Good Men say nothing. Its just that simple,
 I guess it's time for a change , huh ?
P.S.  I may also add The Vice President and a former Vice President, the past Speaker of the House many Senators and Congressmen you all encouraged children to be in the Occupy the USA movement and if any of these kids die. This blood will follow you for the rest of your lives . No question about it you will be responsible for the death of these kids and not anyone else. In a position of leadership and great power as you have to this is among the greatest of sins and a great crime. Are you willing to live with it, we shall see. God and the American people understand the difference between sins and crimes of little people versus the sins and crimes of the very powerful , just as bad your soul will never forget, you will see.