Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why I need Food Stamps, and what the media will not tell you, but Farmers and Ranchers will.

Over the last 6 months many Food prices in store have gone up 50% to 100% . 
Farmers and Ranchers will tell you some is due to gasoline. Just as much to blame is the Full assault on Farmers and Ranchers by OWEbama's Green Progressive Commie Czars in Washinton D.C.

New Regulations are hurting Farmers and Ranchers so it costs them more and now I need Food Stamps because  OWEbama's Commie Czars are destroying Farmers, Ranchers and The United States.
They also messed up Automobiles , Trucks, Gas cans, Restaurants, Road building, City , County, States, Boats, and on and on. There is a very long list of many industries that Commies have hurt over the last 30 years. We need jobs, not Regulations. Regulations are raising prices on food, gas, and everything. Its out of control and common sense has been run over by the Big Government Bus. Stop spending more than you take in and you won't need more and new taxes. No Greed comes close to Big Government Greed, only Big Government is Trillions in debt .

A Vote for anyone but OWEbama, is a Vote for Christians

Commies Flush another Trillion dollars down the Sewage Pipe of Big Government
OWEbama's White House Progressive Commie Thugs attack Catholics and all Christians again .

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cannibals in GOP Establishment Employ Tactics of the Left

Owebama is bringing us all down . Lower , Middle , and Upper beware of the class system . Bring back the Constitution before it 's too late !