Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Florida and North Carolina state police, please make public statements such as
We beg all parents to keep children at home during Republican and Democrat conventions. As we feel groups with strong Communists ties will be present. These groups are incited into vilolence by the Communists. We have children and we love children so please keep them out of harms way. Florida and North Carolina State police I beg you to do this and if Eric Holder tells you to shut up tell him to kiss your you know what.
I just love the Happy Euro New World Terminology. Take the new word Anarchists, well I can assure you the FBI and CIA know where the so called Anarchists roots come from. I think it would be very American for the media to say where the Anarchists roots come from. I'll give you a hint, just read the rest of my blog below. Most of the Occupy kids were Anarchists.
God Bless The United States of America
P.S. As Nancy Pelosi would say " Its for the Children "

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Post the two words " Carbon Credit " anywhere on the Internet and you will become part of a Global Database.
Have Wood Stove, Fireplace, or Bar B Q . Contact your local investment broker and just say " Al is my Pal" for 10% discount on $1000.00 Carbon Credit, act quickly before prices go up.
OMG It's the place where Bill Ayers and OWEbama worked together.  I could tell of some recent creepy incidents I'm starting to wonder is Bill playing games with me because I had links to his movie on him and The Weather UnderGround. Heck you had those links taken down Bill, what is bothering you now ? Anyway I feel it is an honor that you maybe thinking of a little nobody AntiCommunist  like me. Thanks

Monday, August 13, 2012

EPA power grab to regulate ditches, gullies on private property

 “The Obama administration is doing everything in its power to increase costs and regulatory burdens for American businesses, farmers and individual property owners,” 

 These temporary water sources are often created by rain or snowmelt, and would make it harder for private property owners to build in their own backyards, grow crops, raise livestock and conduct other activities on their own land.

OWEbama's Big Government, Looks and smells like Communism