Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Progressive Communist of America wish 525,000 Small American Family Farms, and Ranches A Very Merry Christmas
Too tired to look up exact numbers but,
I think President Reagan killed this, the most criminal of all taxes then Slick Willie brought it back around 30% and now OWEbama King of The Global Commies has set it at 55% , Yes I know Owebama loves The People and this is one of his Christmas Gifts. Beyond question, the worst Mom and Pop Small business killer in my 60 years. Yes The Progressive Communists can now truely Proclaim that all Hope on upward mobility for the masses has now been killed. Long live the Great Communists Revolution. All they need now is to kill Private Propery and Gun Rights. The Progressive Communists are making fools of the Independents, Old World Democrats and Republicans.
 VIVA, OWEbama and FORWARD to The New Global Communism