Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The United Nations Global Communism Agenda 21

Communists,  Drunken on perverted power,  Anti-Constitution,  Anti-Declaration of Independence
The Soviet Union for several decades have said they will not put Russia under The United Nations Global Warming, and Carbon Credit laws. They voted “NYET” every time. In an ODD twist the Soviet Union  purchased more CARBON CREDIT, (BILIONS of Dollars) from Al Gore than any country on Earth. The Soviet Loan Sharks have been sitting on Billions of Carbon Credit for many years with No Return on the Massive Investment. Al Gore has been sweating bullets for years worried about The Soviet Loan Sharks. Al Gore's Communists,  Drunken on perverted power,  Anti-Constitution,  Anti-Declaration of Independence  buddies , John Kerry and OWEbama will now save him. It will usher in The New World of GLOBAL COMMUNISM. Save The Earth !


Did George Soros bet 10 Billion on USA Credit Downgrade ?

Monday, August 05, 2013

The Communists are Marching Forward, and if you do nothing.
First they will come for the Health Care Industry and they will lose their land and
have to get cheaper homes.
Then they will come for the Coal Industry and Coal Miners, they will lose their
homes and land.
Then they will come for Farmers and Ranchers, they will lose their homes and land.
Then they will Globalize Oil Companies under a false National Banner. These workers
will take a cut in pay, lose their land and have to get a cheaper homes.
Then they will come in your house, with no warrant in the name of the Environment
Then you will pay 3-4 times more for electricity as does The Great European Union.
Then you will pay 3 times more for gasoline as does The Great European Union.
Then you will pay 2-3 times more for food as does The Great European Union.
Then it will be too late and you will think, but dare not speak it
" Oh my GOD maybe I should not have voted for that Obama fellow"

Friday, August 02, 2013

25 Years of Real Truth, Real Justice, and protecting The Real American Way. 
God Bless you Rush, and many Thanks for the decades of Great Service to your country.
Thank God, Communists can not figure out Christian Soldier's. Keep em on the run Rush
The Best Hope to stop a Total Collapse, of The United States of America , save Social Security and keep The Worlds Finest Military.