Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Because New World Progressive Communism / Fascism is not an option .

For Trump to go from Business man to his first successful Presidential Debate is nothing short of being blessed.
 After so much unbelievable HELL Trump has earned Great credit for a very Professional Victory in the Presidential Debate against Clinton . 

 It is with a Prayer and for God and Country that I will cast my vote Donald Trump for President of The United States of America.
Because New World Progressive Communism / Fascism is not an option .

Believe it ,that the many insane decisions and policies of Clinton / Obama are now seen even by those who put them into law.
Jesus Christ Rules all that is known and unknown. If Trump can save The United States of America he will have saved Christianity for what is to come.
God Bless to all and may evil fear its shadow, never to enjoy the light again

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Does Pope Francis know something that Hillary Merkel Clinton does not ?

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016

Church destroyed in Cuba by government agents
Mississippi governor signs law allowing armed church security
Climate Change Activists Want Us to Think We Can Change the Weather by Growing Government
Pray, Vote, and Engage as Christians

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Double Standard on Bathrooms, Boycotts, and Religious Freedom
ObamaCare co-ops are expected to collapse
Transgender policy at NJ school district approved
Climate Change Deniers Deserve Punishment

Christian Genocide by ISIS Is 'Its Own Kind of Auschwitz'
EU considers end to visa free travel to EU for US visitors
Merle Haggard left his entire estate to an LGBT group.
Piers Morgan escapes sanctions over Christian homophobe comment
Christian man brutally hacked to death in Pakistan
Three years on, Pope leaves Catholic conservatives feeling marginalised
Inbreading on the rise
Dire state of the global economy in six charts
Hillary Clinton Strict Gun Control Makes Single Women Prime Targets For Rape and Murder
LGBT against religious liberty in TEXAS
A Nation Embracing Sin And Political Correctness Is Not Progress
Liberal AG’s Waging War Against First Amendment
Bibles are being removed from Missing Man tributes at VA clinics and military bases
Big German Bank joins LGBT in N.C. Ladies Bathroom Law

Monday, April 04, 2016

UN/NAMBLA , Washington AC/DC very busy.

See realtime coverage

What to Know About the 'Panama Papers' Leak

TIME - ‎1 hour ago‎
With more than 2.6 terabytes of data comprised of more than 11.5 million documents, the release of Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca's records this week represents one of the largest data leaks in history - bigger than both the intelligence ...

Thursday, March 31, 2016

I have been saying some of it for almost 2 decades on my blog { unfortunately I erased many of my early posts }
1. Cripple, Change or Destroy The United States and Israel and you will have Global Communism
2. Only Christians and Small Business can save the United States of America .
Progressive Communists take that, to Hell with you when you pass on.
God Bless The United States of America, where freedom rings and Americans will hear it until the end of days on earth as we know it. Never forget and be proud This is Gods land and we are very blessed.
Israel by all measures is nothing less than a True Miracle
There is something going on here and count me as a Believer
All The Communism and Might and Money of Earth will NEVER force me to deny it
Far Right Constitutional Conservatives are Human too 

Monday, March 28, 2016

How LGBT twists The Gospel Into Socialism
LGBT I do not hate you , but I will fight Jailing Christians for reading certain parts of The Bible and letting bearded men in dresses in Ladies restrooms.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Chief Justice Scalia was simply The Greatest, and the True Defender of The Constitution of The United States. God has gained a Great Champion. Chief Justice Thomas is The only Real Defender still active. May God Bless them both they have served The United States with Truth and Honor.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Does this remind you of someone running for President ?

I'm sure she supports killing babies and selling body parts for political donations . All at a cost to the taxpayers of course.
Killing babies with tax dollars is by far the number one cause of murder in the U.S. but it does not stop there. Obama's VERY FIRST act as President of The United States out side the country, was to use U.S. tax dollars to kill babies in Mexico. His second act as President outside of the country was to go to Saudi Arabia and kiss the ring of the king. I believe it would be safe to say Obama's actions have killed more babies than anyone in history.
All this death will be over shadowed yet again by Obama, as the ObamaCare Death Panels will kill even larger numbers. Remember your ObamaCare monthly payments are not in a Washinton DC LOCKBOX 
The United Nations loves Obama and many there want him to be the next Secretary General of The United Nations. They feel only then, can we have Order, out of Social Justice.
I do not understand why anyone would want to work for Hillary Clinton. While Bill Clinton was President, Hillary handled all the dirty work to keep it secret. The problem is so many people who worked for The Clinton White House were found dead and they always acted as if it was just a normal thing. Many Democrats are scared of the Clintons for this and other reasons. Only God will save us, not the Democrats or Republicans. I believe God will save us if we pray.