Monday, January 18, 2016

Does this remind you of someone running for President ?

I'm sure she supports killing babies and selling body parts for political donations . All at a cost to the taxpayers of course.
Killing babies with tax dollars is by far the number one cause of murder in the U.S. but it does not stop there. Obama's VERY FIRST act as President of The United States out side the country, was to use U.S. tax dollars to kill babies in Mexico. His second act as President outside of the country was to go to Saudi Arabia and kiss the ring of the king. I believe it would be safe to say Obama's actions have killed more babies than anyone in history.
All this death will be over shadowed yet again by Obama, as the ObamaCare Death Panels will kill even larger numbers. Remember your ObamaCare monthly payments are not in a Washinton DC LOCKBOX 
The United Nations loves Obama and many there want him to be the next Secretary General of The United Nations. They feel only then, can we have Order, out of Social Justice.
I do not understand why anyone would want to work for Hillary Clinton. While Bill Clinton was President, Hillary handled all the dirty work to keep it secret. The problem is so many people who worked for The Clinton White House were found dead and they always acted as if it was just a normal thing. Many Democrats are scared of the Clintons for this and other reasons. Only God will save us, not the Democrats or Republicans. I believe God will save us if we pray.