Thursday, March 31, 2016

I have been saying some of it for almost 2 decades on my blog { unfortunately I erased many of my early posts }
1. Cripple, Change or Destroy The United States and Israel and you will have Global Communism
2. Only Christians and Small Business can save the United States of America .
Progressive Communists take that, to Hell with you when you pass on.
God Bless The United States of America, where freedom rings and Americans will hear it until the end of days on earth as we know it. Never forget and be proud This is Gods land and we are very blessed.
Israel by all measures is nothing less than a True Miracle
There is something going on here and count me as a Believer
All The Communism and Might and Money of Earth will NEVER force me to deny it
Far Right Constitutional Conservatives are Human too 

Monday, March 28, 2016

How LGBT twists The Gospel Into Socialism
LGBT I do not hate you , but I will fight Jailing Christians for reading certain parts of The Bible and letting bearded men in dresses in Ladies restrooms.