Sunday, April 20, 2008

Please do not lie

I'm not a Catholic and I stood up against the many dangers and problems that ILLEGAL immigrants have brought to this Great Nation. Do not lie, the Pope ask that we welcome immigrants, he did not say ILLEGAL immigrants.
The root of the problem is that both political parties for a few decades have ignored the good immigration laws that served the United States so well for more than half a century.
Now for some strange reasons they want to change those laws. The newer immigration actions have been secretive, illegal and very costly to Taxpayers, City, County, State and Federal governments in MANY WAYS . In short you must blame the politicians, both the D's and the R's .
A great Constitutional Republic by law can blame it's elected politicians, it may not be liked but it is understood. Just show some respect for a Great Nation when you do it.
Please do not forget to put Constitutional before Republic when describing our great nation. Seperate and in addition to The Constitution, we have a Declaration of Independence and a Bill of Rights. I feel this is very important because I fear a world without The United States as we know it, will be a world with some new form of slavery for all.
God Bless and be proud to be an American