Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A very Merry Christmas to all, may God Bless you and your family.
Have a Happy, End of The New Year.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Have to cut posts, on my blog back to 1 or 2, every month or two

Been helping my Dad, now I have to go home. No job, no money, No TV, no internet, only a radio. Internet access will be back to around 2-3 times a month. Must focus on job only. Will be 60 next week never had any form of government aid and always left it for those who really needed it. Would like to die never having Govmnt. aid, but if I can't find a job in a few months, I might have to. From what I've heard it's next to impossible to get anyway. If I find a job a new employer will not like heat from my blog, unfortunately some know who I'am . I truly wish to say God Bless to all and keep fighting for truth and The American way. 
Will be listening on the radio.

Without Truth

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lindsey Graham says GOP opposed Libya mission because Obama was president
I disagree Sen. Graham at the time, current Defense Secretary Robert Gates was very upset about being short on boots and strongly stated it was not a national security issue. Most Republicans respected Defence Secretary Robert Gates judgement and were opposed. As a republican senator why are you often so anti republican ? Also just before leaving OWEbama DefSec Robert Gates warned us that China is now very advanced and he felt the National debt is the number one National Security Issue.

Friday, October 14, 2011

OWEbama's Red October Revolution Marches On .
Progressives claim " It's for the children and the Enviro "
Great way to mark the anniversary of Communism. (A old Progressive Tradition)

Parents, please keep your children at home and away from anyone who supports OWEbama . What kind of a President would send children into harms way like this, if any of those kids die, OWEbama the blood will be on your soul, not the other progressives or the police. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd you have the sorrow and misery of millions on your souls, I can remember reading on the internet when the banks were raising hell, because you were forcing them to make unqualified home loans. Hell you two almost brought down the world and yet it still might happen. You two did more damage to the free world than Commies and Islamo Extremists , what a feat to be proud of and live with the rest of your life. I guess the bank fees are to pay for your historical mess and big interest on OWEbama's deal for Buffett. Why are we blessed with such leadership ? It's because at every stage along the way, and at every level Good Men say nothing. Its just that simple,
 I guess it's time for a change , huh ?
P.S.  I may also add The Vice President and a former Vice President, the past Speaker of the House many Senators and Congressmen you all encouraged children to be in the Occupy the USA movement and if any of these kids die. This blood will follow you for the rest of your lives . No question about it you will be responsible for the death of these kids and not anyone else. In a position of leadership and great power as you have to this is among the greatest of sins and a great crime. Are you willing to live with it, we shall see. God and the American people understand the difference between sins and crimes of little people versus the sins and crimes of the very powerful , just as bad your soul will never forget, you will see.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

OWEbama's uncomplete list of Tax Hikes

Maybe with God's help, even a Progressive can read the above list and see the light.

OWEbama's speech and his American Jobs Act are S.O.S.

With OWEbama as President what should I prepare for ?

1. Armageddon

2. The next Great Depression

3. World War III

4. The End of Time

5. Simply starve to death, along with millions of others .

6. Global Communism under a New World Order.

7. Third World status, under a North American Union .

8. The EuroAmeri Union under Premier George Soros .

London property bubble 'about to burst'

Friday, September 02, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Al Gore, Global Warming skeptics and Rick Perry are Racists

Gore also took shots at Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has lambasted climate change alarmists on the presidential campaign trail, and other politicians who dare to question the veracity of global warming science.

OWEbama takes charge at hurricane command center

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Real Truth in the MidEast

For Progressives who do not know the difference.
President Reagan gave guns that would end up fighting Communists
OWEbama is giving guns that will end up fighting Americans and Jews.
I leave it to you as to why Progressives want to take guns from Americans.
The United Nations and George Soros want a World Goverenment to take everyone's guns, who knows as secret as OWEbama is, he may have signed us on with the U.N.
I wonder what two nations would the United Nations want to disarm first ?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Did George Soros pay for sex ?

Did George Soros Slap and Choke Girlfriend at the Hamptons ?

Ferreyr claims in the lawsuit that Soros slapped her and tried to choke her while the couple were in bed discussing the apartment.

Ferreyr is studying economics and philosophy at Columbia University. The couple met in 2006 in the Hamptons, and she claims that twice during their five-year relationship he said he would buy her a New York apartment.

George Soros is worth $14.5 billion, and George Soros News Groups have stated many times " We own the Democrat Party "

Thursday, August 04, 2011

OWEbama and Progressives are bringing down the world.

Great 9 days for George Sorros , more mountains of more money.
George Sorros is the Undisputed King of the Progressives .
I have some hope for the Democrats and we can have a GOOD two party system again, when the Democrats vote the Progressives out of office. By their very actions and propaganda they are HARD core Socialists . On more occasions than I would like to admit their actions are Communists .
Please, the current National Democrat leadership are not even close to Democrats of my youth.
George Sorros , I suspect is the cause for much of it.

Obama admin adds 608 regulations -- just in July!

Analysis: OWEbama, Bernanke out of money to boost jobs, growth

Thursday, July 28, 2011

We are loosing it faster than I thought

I remember reading that the Arabs, China, Russia, and EU wanted to move the Financal Capital of the World from New York to London U.K.
Past two days Moodys and Standard and Poors said that London will decide our bond rating.
Also now, UK becomes safest haven for bondholders.
OWEbama's has really been scarring the Big Boys far more than I thought. I hope all of you can really grasp this. We may never be able to pay this debt back. No wonder the Republicans finally got gonads. This is VERY bad news. If OWEbama is reElected thats it, ball game over.
This is my last message for awhile. The Big Boys have finally put thier foot down. Really in the balance here and stuck with a knothead like OWEbama. Big bad news for the USA

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What is not being told to us .

If interest rates went up from today. Say we have interest rates go up to 70% of what Jimmy Carter gave us.
We would go totally bankrupt in 1 year 2 years max , because the interest payments on the debt alone would be more than we could pay . I did not say the debt I said the interest payments on the debt. We do not pay the debt, we pay interest on the debt as part of the annual budget and that is partly why the budget is high. This means we have mucho mucho mucho debt. I said it three times for Harry Reid. Even much less than Jimmy Carter rates and it is impossible to turn anything around. Even if we cut the budget 90% and raised taxes 1000%. Yes my fellow Americans just a few points in interest rates, and we will be owned by the world bank and the united nations.
Pray that OWEbama will do some real, not phoney cuts.
Remember when Jimmy Carter was President and his most important speach was " We have to go to a Service based economy"
Boys and Girls after that speach the Enviro movement was born. You figure it out.
I would like to ask Jimmy Carter. Is the Service based economy working very well ?
I have not found a job yet. Its going to be a tough year to eat and pay property taxes.
Thanks Jimmy and OWEbama
I want my strong United States back, not a New World Enviro.

John McCain if you tell us one more time " My friends, Those jobs are'nt ever coming back"
I 'll tell you to get off your elected ass and make it so companys want to create jobs here.
I never heard a Republican talk like that in my life.

Mr. President, Stop Feeding Your Best to the Wolves

My most trusted News Source

My thoughts,
As you as you read this, Harry Reid's plan is not being written by Democrat Senators .
It is being written outside the goverenment by employees of George Sorros. Business did not write OWEbama Care and other laws. George Sorros has had all of these people in his employ out of Goverenment, for more than a decade. This is how he controls and owns the Democrat party. He has great world power and makes mountains of money by being a shadow goverenment.
I ask is this Democracy or a Republic ?
No its Tyranny .
We are all being taken, the same as he took the U.K.
George Sorros is a very scarry piece of work.
A message closure George Sorros would hate most of all - God Bless and Good Luck to All.
Sorros was Living HELL to VETS during the Bush years and they know it. Sorros makes Jane Fonda, John Kerry and Al Gore look like kindergarden kids.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I agree with The Speaker, Blank Check Barack wants just that.

Owebama has not learned anything. From his people, Standard and Poors, Republicans, other world goverenments nothing has been taken in. He is still insisting on a Blank Check. To give credit where credit is due it was CNBC that first called him Blank Check Barrack. We all need to awake to the fact that this knothead is still in this frame of mind, before he destroys everything.
God Bless and Good Luck to all.
I have some hope for the Democrats but not the Progressives.
Need to focus on Debt

Friday, July 22, 2011

U.K. caught making Test Tube Progressives

President Bush tried to stop this and the Hollywood crowd raised hell.
Christians do not come from Test Tubes.

Monday, May 16, 2011

People Cannot Resist Illegal Entry by Police Into Homes

I find it hard to believe that most Police want Illegal Entry into our homes. Nope, I think this to to open the door for Enviros and Code Enforcement to do it. Things like check your insulation, septic tank, TV tax sticker, guns locked, energy efficient everything, sprinklers, cats, Dogs, and on and on. They want more, and New Revenue .

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dollar in graver danger than the euro

Zero, from OWEbama's U.S. - China Talks
He waisted the first Talks on Global Warming.
Sorry no new jobs.
Will focus only on the Debt for the next couple of months !
Is it possible to have a [D dollar] and a [R dollar] ?
Anything please, the [O dollar] is killing me.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Fallen U.S. Navy SEAL honored with warship

God Bless and Many Thanks to the Men and Women of the United States Armed Forces.
The same applies for the many Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies.
Peace Through Strength, and serve with dignity

Hussein Hoover OWEbama

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Next Decade will be Great .

Don't worry bout it !
(Reuters) - Tens of billions of dollars of Chinese investment could flood into the United States in the next decade, creating a multitude of American jobs if officials do not succumb to a political backlash and throw up barriers, according to a report released on Wednesday.

Need just a few Tril, to get through the election

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Soros (OWEbama's Boss) to kill the U.S. Dollar

Obama, Pelowski and Reid will never be happy until we are all equal ,

working shoulder to shoulder, knee deep , in the rice paddies .

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Geithner says Congress must raise debt limit

Fellow Americans, Is this the Obama Express to Hell ?
Please, Express your opinion.