Thursday, July 28, 2011

We are loosing it faster than I thought

I remember reading that the Arabs, China, Russia, and EU wanted to move the Financal Capital of the World from New York to London U.K.
Past two days Moodys and Standard and Poors said that London will decide our bond rating.
Also now, UK becomes safest haven for bondholders.
OWEbama's has really been scarring the Big Boys far more than I thought. I hope all of you can really grasp this. We may never be able to pay this debt back. No wonder the Republicans finally got gonads. This is VERY bad news. If OWEbama is reElected thats it, ball game over.
This is my last message for awhile. The Big Boys have finally put thier foot down. Really in the balance here and stuck with a knothead like OWEbama. Big bad news for the USA