Thursday, July 28, 2011

We are loosing it faster than I thought

I remember reading that the Arabs, China, Russia, and EU wanted to move the Financal Capital of the World from New York to London U.K.
Past two days Moodys and Standard and Poors said that London will decide our bond rating.
Also now, UK becomes safest haven for bondholders.
OWEbama's has really been scarring the Big Boys far more than I thought. I hope all of you can really grasp this. We may never be able to pay this debt back. No wonder the Republicans finally got gonads. This is VERY bad news. If OWEbama is reElected thats it, ball game over.
This is my last message for awhile. The Big Boys have finally put thier foot down. Really in the balance here and stuck with a knothead like OWEbama. Big bad news for the USA

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What is not being told to us .

If interest rates went up from today. Say we have interest rates go up to 70% of what Jimmy Carter gave us.
We would go totally bankrupt in 1 year 2 years max , because the interest payments on the debt alone would be more than we could pay . I did not say the debt I said the interest payments on the debt. We do not pay the debt, we pay interest on the debt as part of the annual budget and that is partly why the budget is high. This means we have mucho mucho mucho debt. I said it three times for Harry Reid. Even much less than Jimmy Carter rates and it is impossible to turn anything around. Even if we cut the budget 90% and raised taxes 1000%. Yes my fellow Americans just a few points in interest rates, and we will be owned by the world bank and the united nations.
Pray that OWEbama will do some real, not phoney cuts.
Remember when Jimmy Carter was President and his most important speach was " We have to go to a Service based economy"
Boys and Girls after that speach the Enviro movement was born. You figure it out.
I would like to ask Jimmy Carter. Is the Service based economy working very well ?
I have not found a job yet. Its going to be a tough year to eat and pay property taxes.
Thanks Jimmy and OWEbama
I want my strong United States back, not a New World Enviro.

John McCain if you tell us one more time " My friends, Those jobs are'nt ever coming back"
I 'll tell you to get off your elected ass and make it so companys want to create jobs here.
I never heard a Republican talk like that in my life.

Mr. President, Stop Feeding Your Best to the Wolves

My most trusted News Source

My thoughts,
As you as you read this, Harry Reid's plan is not being written by Democrat Senators .
It is being written outside the goverenment by employees of George Sorros. Business did not write OWEbama Care and other laws. George Sorros has had all of these people in his employ out of Goverenment, for more than a decade. This is how he controls and owns the Democrat party. He has great world power and makes mountains of money by being a shadow goverenment.
I ask is this Democracy or a Republic ?
No its Tyranny .
We are all being taken, the same as he took the U.K.
George Sorros is a very scarry piece of work.
A message closure George Sorros would hate most of all - God Bless and Good Luck to All.
Sorros was Living HELL to VETS during the Bush years and they know it. Sorros makes Jane Fonda, John Kerry and Al Gore look like kindergarden kids.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I agree with The Speaker, Blank Check Barack wants just that.

Owebama has not learned anything. From his people, Standard and Poors, Republicans, other world goverenments nothing has been taken in. He is still insisting on a Blank Check. To give credit where credit is due it was CNBC that first called him Blank Check Barrack. We all need to awake to the fact that this knothead is still in this frame of mind, before he destroys everything.
God Bless and Good Luck to all.
I have some hope for the Democrats but not the Progressives.
Need to focus on Debt

Friday, July 22, 2011

U.K. caught making Test Tube Progressives

President Bush tried to stop this and the Hollywood crowd raised hell.
Christians do not come from Test Tubes.