Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Progressive Communist of America wish 525,000 Small American Family Farms, and Ranches A Very Merry Christmas
Too tired to look up exact numbers but,
I think President Reagan killed this, the most criminal of all taxes then Slick Willie brought it back around 30% and now OWEbama King of The Global Commies has set it at 55% , Yes I know Owebama loves The People and this is one of his Christmas Gifts. Beyond question, the worst Mom and Pop Small business killer in my 60 years. Yes The Progressive Communists can now truely Proclaim that all Hope on upward mobility for the masses has now been killed. Long live the Great Communists Revolution. All they need now is to kill Private Propery and Gun Rights. The Progressive Communists are making fools of the Independents, Old World Democrats and Republicans.
 VIVA, OWEbama and FORWARD to The New Global Communism

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Owebama says,  " It's real simple Dummies"
All I have to do is print One Thousand, Five Thousand, Ten Thousand, and Twenty Thousand Dollar Bills.
Kremlin Cheers Obama’s Re-Election

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Monday, October 08, 2012

Social Justice has been done.
Hugo Chavez won the Venezuela Presidente Election. No disputes and We are sure that friends of Owebama and Jimmy Carter will verify that it was a FAIR and GOOD election. Thank God Hollywood was there too. All can be happy now, hopefully Chicago will get mucho free home heating oil this winter, just as they did the year before OWEbama became a candidate for President. That year Hugo flew straight from the United Nations (after the famous Bush is Satin Speech) to generously give Chicago mucho free heating oil. Hugo had Nationalized Citco Oil and it's Headquarters in Chicago from the Greedy Americans WHO BUILT IT. Rumors are at that time, the great Hugo met with the soon to be great OWEbama. Miracle of Miracles, Great of the Greatest.
 Yes Muchaco's , WE CAN , WE CAN all bathe in the Glorious Light, be happy and feel free that -
Hugo The Great Murder and Thief has a promise.
Hugo's great promise, is that Presidente OWEbama will not fail you.
Do not forget Muchaco's just as Presidente OWEbama, Presidente Hugo is keeping the terrible Christians IN CHECK. Viva  El Hugo and OWEbama !

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

My view of the debate
No contest, I'm voting for President Romney

Monday, October 01, 2012

As you know The United States was for all of my lifetime, the biggest in everything and number one in every Global advantage.
Then by the end of Clinton and Bush Jr. we had lost many, many advantages too many to tell of in this short note. By the end of Bush Jr. we were down to only three main Global advantages after having lost 10 to 15. The three we were down to after Bush Jr. were
1. Best Military
2. Worlds Biggest Consumers
3.Finacial Capitol of the world.
 Now under OWEbama the Military is facing HISTORIC cuts at a time when we need it more than ever.
 China has now become The worlds biggest consumers under Owebama and the U.S.A.'s ability talk and get global deals and preference has been greatly diminished under OWEbama.
 Under Owebama if you have followed what little news the press has talked about it, almost half of the New York finacial services have moved to London. The Communists, Arabs and Euro's are moving the Worlds Finacial Capitol from New York to London.
We are in deep dodo my friends as John McCain would say. IF OWEbama is RE-ELECTED it is sure thing, THERE IS NO HOPE and this is NO BULL .

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Florida and North Carolina state police, please make public statements such as
We beg all parents to keep children at home during Republican and Democrat conventions. As we feel groups with strong Communists ties will be present. These groups are incited into vilolence by the Communists. We have children and we love children so please keep them out of harms way. Florida and North Carolina State police I beg you to do this and if Eric Holder tells you to shut up tell him to kiss your you know what.
I just love the Happy Euro New World Terminology. Take the new word Anarchists, well I can assure you the FBI and CIA know where the so called Anarchists roots come from. I think it would be very American for the media to say where the Anarchists roots come from. I'll give you a hint, just read the rest of my blog below. Most of the Occupy kids were Anarchists.
God Bless The United States of America
P.S. As Nancy Pelosi would say " Its for the Children "

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Post the two words " Carbon Credit " anywhere on the Internet and you will become part of a Global Database.
Have Wood Stove, Fireplace, or Bar B Q . Contact your local investment broker and just say " Al is my Pal" for 10% discount on $1000.00 Carbon Credit, act quickly before prices go up.
OMG It's the place where Bill Ayers and OWEbama worked together.  I could tell of some recent creepy incidents I'm starting to wonder is Bill playing games with me because I had links to his movie on him and The Weather UnderGround. Heck you had those links taken down Bill, what is bothering you now ? Anyway I feel it is an honor that you maybe thinking of a little nobody AntiCommunist  like me. Thanks

Monday, August 13, 2012

EPA power grab to regulate ditches, gullies on private property

 “The Obama administration is doing everything in its power to increase costs and regulatory burdens for American businesses, farmers and individual property owners,” 

 These temporary water sources are often created by rain or snowmelt, and would make it harder for private property owners to build in their own backyards, grow crops, raise livestock and conduct other activities on their own land.

OWEbama's Big Government, Looks and smells like Communism 


Friday, July 06, 2012

Soros Promotes UN Control Over U.S. Gun Ownership
George Soros is financing the fight to give the United Nations control of your guns.
Through his Media Matters organization, Soros is dumping pro-UN gun control propaganda into the mainstream media to coincide with the United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty being held in New York July 2–27.

Monday, May 21, 2012

OWEbama's Boss, George Soros - Accelerates Push for New Global Communists  Economy

George Soros bought himself a major economic conference designed to remake the entire global economy. Just because the event received little major news attention, it still had an impact Americans might be reeling from for years.
When the anti-American Soros spent $50 million creating the New York City-based Institute for New Economic Thinking(INET), he began a major move against the dollar. The billionaire who once crushed the British pound through currency trading openly declared his plans to “reform the currency system.” In the Machiavellian mind of Soros, the dollar needed to take a back seat and end its stint as the world reserve currency. “The dollar no longer enjoys the trust and confidence that it once did, yet no other currency can take its place,” he wrote in late 2009.
In 2011, he is already pushing aside the dollar. “The big question is whether the U.S. dollar should be the reserve currency; and, in fact, it no longer is,” Soros told Bloomberg. He’s not the only one. Nobel Prize winning economist and Soros buddy Joseph Stiglitz said he is arguing for “a global reserve currency.” Stiglitz, who also chairs the U.N. General Assembly on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System, called for a new “global system,” saying the current one is “fundamentally unfair because it means that poor countries are lending to the U.S. at close to zero interest rates.”
In the short time following the Soros-funded Bretton Woods event, the move against the dollar has gained momentum rapidly. Soros wrote in 2009 that “the rising powers must be present at the creation of this new system to ensure that they will be active supporters.” Here come those rising powers right now, singing the Soros tune.
The five BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and new member South Africa – had their third summit meeting one week after Soros held his. Unsurprisingly, the themes were similar, with BRICS nations calling “for a restructuring of the World War II-era global financial system and an eventual end to the long reign of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.”
We’ve heard that all before – from Soros himself. In 2009, Soros called for the increased use of an obscure economic tool called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). Before your eyes glaze over, SDRs are essentially a “basket of currencies” – the euro, Japanese yen, pound sterling and U.S. dollar. If the world starts using them more and the dollar less, then U.S. economic status declines.
According to The Pioneer of India, those five nations “have called for ‘a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty.’” The group also wants more of a say in how international economic institutions are run and what currencies make up the SDR basket. That last concern reflects an existing move to include the Chinese remimbi in the SDR selection.
The Wall Street Journal agreed that’s what’s going on, quoting Chinese central bank-governor Zhou Xiaochuan saying the G-20 nations are considering adding China’s currency to the four other in the SDR. “‘If someone suggests that the RMB [the renminbi] should be in the SDR, I welcome this kind of opinion,’ Mr. Zhou told a panel discussion.”
He’s not alone. Michael Pettis, a finance professor at Peking University and a senior associate at the Soros-funded Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, claimed that the dollar is even bad for the United States. In a Financial Times opinion piece, he argued “America must give up on the dollar.” The Financial Times, you’ll remember, had five news employees speak at Soros’s Bretton Woods event, too.
But this isn’t an organized effort or anything.
The push for a new world currency wasn’t the only major news coming from the Soros conference, though most major news outlets ignored the entire gathering. The International Monetary Fund might be getting a new leader, one of the speakers at the event in fact. The IMF is part of the old world economic order that came from the first Bretton Woods. To promote your candidacy these days, all you have to do is hang with the right people.
According to the Daily Mail, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown “has emerged as a favourite for the £270,000-a-year role after networking this week at a conference of policymakers at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, where the IMF was founded.” It’s not what you know, it’s who after all. So, the pro-Soros movers and shakers are making their push to control the IMF too.
Brown is a perfect fit for the Soros economic view. At the conference, one of his takeaway lines was: “American and European dominance is no longer a fact.”
Clearly, that’s the takeaway that Soros wants us to believe, at least.
Dan Gainor is the Boone Pickens Fellow and the Media Research Center’s Vice President for Business and Culture. He writes frequently for Fox News Opinion. He can also be contacted on FaceBook and Twitter as dangainor.

By Dan Gainor
Published April 21, 2011

Read more:

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Without Truth , - there is NO FREEDOM !
The Story of the Century
Please read several posts below, because under OWEbama, Reid, and Peloski exports have droped like a rock. In fact our exports are dropping faster than any other developed nation. Germany which has big troubles now exports more than the United States.  - - Also watch this --

Friday, April 27, 2012

Why have we blown all those Billions on building Solor panel plants ? For you Carbon credit, Coal Hating, and windmill wing nuts . The United States produces more power than any Nation on Earth before OWEbama took office and ordered 40% of the grid shut down.
But the United States on consumption per capita - Electricity consumption per capita (kWh per person) is 10th in the world . You Con artists are killing the poor and middle class. We use less power per capita than NINE developed nations. You liars and thieves and jerks.
Does Socialism or Globalism work in Europe ?
Please note, the United States is the 3rd largest export economy on earth,
 after China and Germany. Wikiped is wrong -
Do you really understand how angry this makes me ?
Give OWEbama 4 more years and Americans will be crossing the Mexican Border

Could the U.S. end up like Italy ?

Truth hurts, but without truth there is no freedom

Has anyone told OWEbama Communism does not work ?

If all we get is a New Senate Leader, it would help very much
The Rest of The Story

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"I don't believe that people should be able to own guns." - Barak Obama
Quoted to John R. Lott, Jr., PhD, while both were working at the University of Chicago Law School in 1996. From the book "Debacle", by Grover G. Norquist and John R Lott, Jr., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Publisher

Saturday, April 07, 2012

88 Milion Americans Not in Labor force, New all time high
Comrade Chairman Owebama's Unemployment numbers are a BIG LIE .

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The United States
Library of Congress
 TheObamaFile.comfor inclusion in its
historic collection
of Internet materials

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why I need Food Stamps, and what the media will not tell you, but Farmers and Ranchers will.

Over the last 6 months many Food prices in store have gone up 50% to 100% . 
Farmers and Ranchers will tell you some is due to gasoline. Just as much to blame is the Full assault on Farmers and Ranchers by OWEbama's Green Progressive Commie Czars in Washinton D.C.

New Regulations are hurting Farmers and Ranchers so it costs them more and now I need Food Stamps because  OWEbama's Commie Czars are destroying Farmers, Ranchers and The United States.
They also messed up Automobiles , Trucks, Gas cans, Restaurants, Road building, City , County, States, Boats, and on and on. There is a very long list of many industries that Commies have hurt over the last 30 years. We need jobs, not Regulations. Regulations are raising prices on food, gas, and everything. Its out of control and common sense has been run over by the Big Government Bus. Stop spending more than you take in and you won't need more and new taxes. No Greed comes close to Big Government Greed, only Big Government is Trillions in debt .

A Vote for anyone but OWEbama, is a Vote for Christians

Commies Flush another Trillion dollars down the Sewage Pipe of Big Government
OWEbama's White House Progressive Commie Thugs attack Catholics and all Christians again .

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cannibals in GOP Establishment Employ Tactics of the Left

Owebama is bringing us all down . Lower , Middle , and Upper beware of the class system . Bring back the Constitution before it 's too late !