Monday, October 01, 2012

As you know The United States was for all of my lifetime, the biggest in everything and number one in every Global advantage.
Then by the end of Clinton and Bush Jr. we had lost many, many advantages too many to tell of in this short note. By the end of Bush Jr. we were down to only three main Global advantages after having lost 10 to 15. The three we were down to after Bush Jr. were
1. Best Military
2. Worlds Biggest Consumers
3.Finacial Capitol of the world.
 Now under OWEbama the Military is facing HISTORIC cuts at a time when we need it more than ever.
 China has now become The worlds biggest consumers under Owebama and the U.S.A.'s ability talk and get global deals and preference has been greatly diminished under OWEbama.
 Under Owebama if you have followed what little news the press has talked about it, almost half of the New York finacial services have moved to London. The Communists, Arabs and Euro's are moving the Worlds Finacial Capitol from New York to London.
We are in deep dodo my friends as John McCain would say. IF OWEbama is RE-ELECTED it is sure thing, THERE IS NO HOPE and this is NO BULL .