Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I have to find a job and I'm broke. Soon I will be back to internet, once every week or two weeks.
I've been doing this a long time, it is a REAL Nightmare and sometimes makes me Sick. Probably will take 5-7 months of very few and far between posts.
Please keep an eye on John Kerry and the U.N. he is Worse than Owebama. John Kerry has 6-7 U.N. Treaties he wants to pass each and every one is as Stinking and Rotten EVIL as the others. He must be stopped.
Soon all I will have is just Radio, No TV and No Internet.
God Bless, Save The United States, and Good Luck to All

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg Up to his Eyebrows in United Nations Global Communism and he has 65 BILLION Bucks to spend
Super Secret Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will Kill American Constitution and Sovereignty
OWEbama will now Destroy Constitution and Sovereignty of US
President Obama wants fast track power so he can conclude the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an expansive system of global governance that would deal a mortal blow to American sovereignty and our Constitution.Fast track overrides the Constitution once -- the Trans-Pacific Partnership overrides it forever.
Owebama's NEW Name for the North American Union is the North American Homeland
Vice President Joe Biden, Building the North American Union ?
Liberal Internationalists like President Obama have, for a century, sought to establish a new world order based upon mutual cooperation among all nations. First the League of Nations and then the U.N. were designed to establish a “new model for relations between great powers.” In fact, the success of the U.N. Security Council depends upon such a “new model” already being in place.
New Ambassador to the United Nations wants a New World Order
Joe Biden wants a New World Order
The Complete OWEbama Immigration Plan
OWEbama's End Game - Top Down, Bottom Up, Inside Out