Wednesday, November 05, 2014

God is Great
Beer is good
The American people are not as crazy as Obama thought

Thursday, October 30, 2014

 There will be Nothing Independant, about Charlie Christ as Gov.  of Florida. There is No Doubt Charlie Christ will be a 100% Puppet of Obama .
 Please Vote for Rick Scott as Gov. of Florida and keep Florida out of The  Aweful Mess The Obama Admin has made.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It is Important to note, that Saul Alinsky Dedicated his book "Rules For Radicals" to SATIN and both Obama and Hillary Clinton have stated this book, is a very important part of their lives
Hillary Clinton "THE MOVIE"

Friday, September 19, 2014

Club Gitmo ?
Billion Dollar Plus Investment
 Cuba’s Military on the Hunt for Chinese Military Tourism 
55 Hotels throughout Cuba under construction with China
Cuba’s presence in Africa is a Huge EBOLA problem.
Cuba has couriers, diplomats, their biggest trading partners, military advisors, spies, ships, planes, etc... All coming and going to  Cuba and Africa daily. Florida and The United States NEED to LIMIT travel between Florida and Cuba to stop the spread of EBOLA.

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Everything is becoming more complicated and until actions and events happen at times I become a little confused about some things other than God and Obama. I will never deny God and I know Obama is a Destructive Force. So until Rush supports Obama I'll listen to Rush. Mark Levin will never give up on The Constitution and I trust him. But this is a very interesting interview and I feel all will learn something from it. Please note
that since this interview under Obama, Soros, and Bloomberg the money center of the world has moved from New York to London. So now the NWO is coming from Europe again and Soros says America will be a controlled decline. In short I no longer trust Europe and we are our only hope
God will have the final word and very little of God is left in Europe. It's possible American Catholics may not only help save the Catholic Church but also the United States. Europe will take at least two decades to fix and I feel sorry for the position the Catholic Church is in, but have great hope in American Catholics as I do all American Christian and Jews. I'm sorry Athesis but Commies and the NWO fear no one more than the religious and we will at least save the United States until the end 
Media, please ask Hillary and Christie if they tried to help Our Marine in Mexico.
We do not want to hear "What difference does it make"

Communists and Obama Fairness

I agree 100% but you know The Communists created most of them and will organize All of Them. Ask David Horowitz he knows as much as The CIA and FBI and is telling the truth. Wake up dummies The Commies will destroy us LONG before the Islamo's but an eye has to be on all these groups. Another thing the minute that Americans stand up because Obama is taking our guns, the Commies and Islamo's will start blowing up Power Plants. It may take 100 milion Americans with guns to stop all of the SOB's and take note you Commie Bastards WE WILL. Unfortunately events are happening and the days of being an anti-Christian or anti-Jew are coming to an end. What comes after that, read The Bible. God knows the Christian and Jews will make a few more stands before the end.
Glenn believes the threat against the United States and the western way of life stretches far beyond ISIS or al-Qaeda. As he has discussed for quite some time, anarchists, communists, Islamists, and others are all looking to destabilize the west. At some point in time, Glenn believes these different groups will begin to work together – very loosely – to bombard the world with multiple threats. That time may now be upon us.

Friday, September 05, 2014

Hanoi Jane was married to Tom Hayden of the Chicago Seven and later married Billionaire Ted Turner. Who gave a Billion  Dollars to the United Nations way back when a Billion was worth Much more than now while married to Hanoi Jane. I think I read somewhere that John Kerry bragged he once dated Hanoi Jane.
As say below and it is the TRUTH, The Chicago Seven told crowds to Burn all the churches in America and to kill their Mother and Father. Check out the FBI files. Can not find any photos of the way I saw them. Most had BIG hair afros, painted many colors of the rainbow ( Like Jessies Rainbow Coalition ) they had big painted Stars, Hammers, Sickles, etc. and feather boas some pink. Enough said for now
Oh and none of these people had damn thing in common with John or Bobby Kennedy. Its possible they may have with Ted Kennedy. John and Bobby Kennedy were Anti-Communists like me. Ted Kennedy was different. If wish someone would do a Google Earth map of Chicago, there is a small area by the University of Chicago where many of the old and new Commies and radical Islamo's lived and still live all within walking distance of each other. There is a computer at the University of Chicago and all it does is scans the world and the Internet FOR TWO WORDS - CARBON TAX. It collects the data and rates to what degree you are for or against a CARBON TAX.
Cuba aggressive on recruiting American Spies ( Sexual entrapment a common tactic )
I'm surprised they consider this news and why did they take down all the commie info from the FBI website when Obama became President. When Bush was President the FBI had tons of Commie and Islamo stuff . Just simple politics I guess, but information from FBI and CIA is very important maybe Obama should let them put it back up.
 A good place to start, is dump a few folders of two groups from Chicago - The Weathermen and The Chicago Seven
I heard the Chicago Seven speak and each one individually told the crowd to Burn Down all Churches in America and for everyone to kill their Mother and Father. This is the truth, its in FBI files somewhere and these fine people are still popular in different parts of America. Yes  the Weathermen and The Chicago Seven were very Progressive 4 to 5 decades ago. Anyone who does not think Bill Ayers is anything less than a blood thirsty killer is dumber than some of our politicians.
John McCain and Israel creating Islamic State ?
We know who endorsed Obama in both elections. 
The Real Perversion of Secular Progressives
Shocking stories of child sex abuse are apparently much more newsworthy when they can be used to punish and weaken organizations that secular progressives don't like.
At the Top of His Game 
Unfortunately Yes, but thank God more now know what his game is

Is this Piers Morgan's version of a Hissyfit ?

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

                       The Great One

Red State Talk Radio

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

I do recognize The government of The United States of America
I DO NOT RECOGNIZE The Government of The United Nations

There has been NO election, or Vote of The American People for
The United Nations to be our government.

Personally, I feel The United Nations is not fit to regulate American toilet paper or anything else American. 

Thank you, and may God Bless all

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Saturday, March 08, 2014

For times like these, some "Old Time Religion" is in order. I think as many States as possible should pass a New State Law. To be in a Porn Movie, you MUST BE at least 21 years old with Prison Time and BIG Fines for the producers.
                          God Bless to All

Friday, February 07, 2014

“In the political world, the cult of the state is dying; so, too, the romance of the intellectual with state power is over. Indeed, the excitement and energy in the intellectual world is focused these days on the concerns of human freedom, on the importance of transcendent and enduring values.”
                        President Ronald Reagan