Friday, September 05, 2014

Cuba aggressive on recruiting American Spies ( Sexual entrapment a common tactic )
I'm surprised they consider this news and why did they take down all the commie info from the FBI website when Obama became President. When Bush was President the FBI had tons of Commie and Islamo stuff . Just simple politics I guess, but information from FBI and CIA is very important maybe Obama should let them put it back up.
 A good place to start, is dump a few folders of two groups from Chicago - The Weathermen and The Chicago Seven
I heard the Chicago Seven speak and each one individually told the crowd to Burn Down all Churches in America and for everyone to kill their Mother and Father. This is the truth, its in FBI files somewhere and these fine people are still popular in different parts of America. Yes  the Weathermen and The Chicago Seven were very Progressive 4 to 5 decades ago. Anyone who does not think Bill Ayers is anything less than a blood thirsty killer is dumber than some of our politicians.