Friday, September 05, 2014

Hanoi Jane was married to Tom Hayden of the Chicago Seven and later married Billionaire Ted Turner. Who gave a Billion  Dollars to the United Nations way back when a Billion was worth Much more than now while married to Hanoi Jane. I think I read somewhere that John Kerry bragged he once dated Hanoi Jane.
As say below and it is the TRUTH, The Chicago Seven told crowds to Burn all the churches in America and to kill their Mother and Father. Check out the FBI files. Can not find any photos of the way I saw them. Most had BIG hair afros, painted many colors of the rainbow ( Like Jessies Rainbow Coalition ) they had big painted Stars, Hammers, Sickles, etc. and feather boas some pink. Enough said for now
Oh and none of these people had damn thing in common with John or Bobby Kennedy. Its possible they may have with Ted Kennedy. John and Bobby Kennedy were Anti-Communists like me. Ted Kennedy was different. If wish someone would do a Google Earth map of Chicago, there is a small area by the University of Chicago where many of the old and new Commies and radical Islamo's lived and still live all within walking distance of each other. There is a computer at the University of Chicago and all it does is scans the world and the Internet FOR TWO WORDS - CARBON TAX. It collects the data and rates to what degree you are for or against a CARBON TAX.